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      News — Deployment

      Veteran's Day DOUBLE Giveback

      This year we wanted to take giving back to Veteran's even up another notch from our Buy 1 Give 1 so for the next few days (ends Veteran's Day) when you buy 1 shirt - YOU get to deliver a giveback shirt still, but we will also send an additional giveback shirt out to a soldier deployed or a veteran around the country.  The more people we can reach the bigger difference we can make!!!veteran support , first responder support, Veteran's Day, military support
      So we also need your help in knowing who to send giveback shirts out too!! If you know someone who is deployed, or if you are deployed, or if you work at a Veteran's home and would like to help hand out a few shirts please fill out the Nominate a Hero form (tab is on the site menu at the top of the page)! That way we can get more shirts out to people like these - 
      or these 
      There are so many people sacrificing, serving on our behalf! Let's work together and give back to them and show our "military support" this Veteran's Day!!