Veteran's Day DOUBLE Giveback

Early Friday morning, veteran officer Sgt. Ben Jenkins stopped to help who he thought was a stranded motorist. That man opened fire on Sgt Jenkins killing him, then he took his uniform and his patrol car leading officers on a manhunt that lasted a few hours before he was arrested. Sgt Jenkins thought he was stopping to HELP a stranded motorist in a remote area of Northeast Nevada. He thought it was someone who's car was broken down, not someone waiting to ambush him. Our officers never know who or what is waiting for them on a call - even something as "innocent" as this call started out.
Sgt Jenkins was a hero. He really had given decades of his life to public service including in the National Guard and Air National Guard. He also was a former state fire marshal training officer, a crew supervisor for the state Division of Forestry, an assistant volunteer fire chief in Spring Creek and had served with Nevada Highway Patrol starting in 2008. He became a sergeant in Elko in 2017.
Not surprisingly he was given the Gold Medal of Valor in 2011 - an award given by the Nevada Department of Public Safety to officers who perform extraordinary acts of heroism.
This hero gave his life. His wife, 4 kids, 5 grandkids, and mother will grieve his death for the rest of their lives. This is the sacrifice thousands of officers and families are willing to make...for US! They put on the uniform and head out on patrol to watch over our cities and our counties.
Last night 3 officers responded to a domestic violence call in North Phoenix and tragically when they entered the home they were fired upon and Cmdr Greg Carnicle was killed. The 2 other officers will recover, but this whole thing is just awful! He leaves behind his wife and 4 kids as well. He was only a few months away from retirement and had been police officer for 31 years!! This has to stop. It makes us so mad every time a police officer is killed because they are more than a uniform - they are a person with a life, a family, and so much value!!
We need to create more respect for our police officers in our society!! This is why we will do whatever we can do to honor them. We need to let them know that they are seen, that they are appreciated, that their sacrifices do not go unnoticed. Wear your support so their families can see that you are a supporter without you even saying a word.
To all the officers and their families - thank you is never enough, but we hope you know how deeply we appreciate you!!!
Live Loyal,
Ryan & Amanda
This story is really something...last summer a firefighter Cpt Daniel Dwyer responded to a house fire where he was told a 95 year old woman. He was ready to enter the house before his crew got to the house so he went in, found the woman unconscious, and brought her out of the fire...before his crew was ready with their gear and tools.
He is quite the hero and should be thanked for his bravery, but the response was the opposite. He was reprimanded for entering the structure without his crew...for freelancing, lack of accountability, and not maintaining crew integrity. BUT when firefighters take their oath they promise to put others before themselves and follow regulations of their department.
What are you supposed to do when those are in conflict? When you know there is an elderly lady trapped in a burning building and if you wait until your crew is ready you are losing precious time? We are grateful for firefighters like Capt Dwyer who put their personal safety and wellbeing aside to help and rescue others. We hope you'll join us in recognizing their efforts and sacrifices.
Wear that "Thin Red Line" shirt proudly as a show of your support and GO deliver a giveback shirt to your local fire department. It doesn't take much of your time, but it will make a difference for the firefighter you meet...we know because every time we have had the opportunity to do this we've been given such appreciation for US doing this when they are the ones doing the hard work!!! Have you experienced this? Tell us about it. If you haven't, what are you waiting for? Click the picture below and grab a red line loyaltee!! Suicide among first responders is increasing and every single life lost is tragic!! We want to end this...and it starts with each of us making that connection!!!
"He died leading his operators...He is and always will be a hero...He was a straightforward and honest. A man who loved his unit and resolved countless volatile situations without incident."
What a huge loss Philadelphia suffered as well as his family and friends. Cpl James O Connor was serving a warrant for a murder and before they had even opened the door shots were fired from inside the home and he was struck just above his vest. Officers returned fire and were able to take all 6 men in the apartment into custody, but tragically Cpl O Connor died at the hospital from his injuries.
He is someone I would have really liked to meet and he reminds me of several neighbors and people I care so much about...just like his family and friends cared about him. His neighbors said he was very, very kind - always looking out for everyone, his friendliness and how he jumped in to help whenever he could - even with their above ground pool. His friend said he was a man who was always organizing barbecues and banquets to honor people, he remembered birthdays, and would always tell you how much he loved his family.
He'd been married to his wife for 25 years and people talked about how much he loved her and would do anything for her and their 2 kids. His whole family were police officers...His father was a Philadelphia police officer for 40 years, his son and daughter in law are both Philly police officers and his daughter is a police officer in the Air Force. What a legacy of service they are creating. Cpl O Connor had been with the Philadelphia PD for 23 years since his early twenties and had been with SWAT for 15 years.
As much as we really hate sharing these stories these are incredible people who have sacrificed more than we ever will for all of us and we will do whatever we can to honor them, their families, and especially their service!! As Philadelphia's 'top cop' said after Cpl O Connor was killed "These are people that leave their families, their loved ones, during holidays, birthdays, anniversaries, to protect complete strangers and to do work that’s a calling. These people are led to serve."
They do this for US...and there is nothing we can really do to re-pay them for their service and sacrifices. What we CAN do is show our support and let them know they are appreciated. Look around you - what families do you know who are like the O Connors? Who have this legacy of public service in military? Police? Fire? or a combination? Go give back to them. Take a giveback shirt and let them know you see them and were thinking about them-it'll mean more than you know and will stay with them long after you leave.
We love the Blue Line Loyaltee because of the message it sends every single time we wear it - you'll love it too. Click the picture and check it out!!
Live Loyal,
Ryan & Amanda
What in the world??? A Miami city commissioner actually suggested the possibility of intentionally infecting first responders with COVID-19 (Coronavirus) so they'd have immunity and could then continue helping people without risk of re-infection what in the world??
I get what he is saying that it'd be great it they had immunity since they are out on the frontlines with those needing help, but to ask a group of people who are already "taking one for the team" with no breaks and likely an increased workload seems like a total lack of respect and appreciation for them and the job they do.
First responders have no option to work from home, their office doesn't close down ever. In fact if things get crazy they get even busier. And don't forget they are people with families and friends - they are worried about getting exposed and bringing that home to their families.
SO - we want you to help show your appreciation. Show that they are people to you, not just a group that can or should "take one for the team". Let them know that through all they are doing YOU see them and you are grateful for them and the sacrifices they make every single shift.
When we delivered giveback shirts last week it was amazing. It made a difference - now it's your turn! If you've already done it that's awesome and you know the power- who else can you impact? Don't stop at one...every single time we do this is different and incredible in its own way!
Live Loyal -
Ryan & Amanda
P.S. Here's a link to the Hansen tee we are wearing - just click the picture. EVERY shirt you buy will come with a giveback shirt you can go deliver so all you have to do is pick your favorite shirt you want to wear and select the size for your giveback shirt!! Click the pic to go check it out!!!
If you made it this far in the blog...thank you!! You deserve something special - here's a code for $5.00 off your order - use code CORONA
P.S. This code isn't available anywhere else!!